Our Board ensures effective arrangements are in place for assurance, risk management and internal control. The board composition is prescribed in the Energy Act 2013, and all board members must act in the best interests of the ONR and in accordance with the Seven Principles of Public Life. The Framework Document between the ONR and DWP, as our sponsoring department, clarifies roles and responsibilities.
The board receives robust and consistent assurance across all our purposes and activities. It is supported by three committees: ARAC; Security Committee; and the Remuneration and Resilience Committee.
Our Integrated Audit and Assurance Framework provides a single integrated framework for managing our audit and assurance activity, introducing standard reporting and control disciplines aligned with the Treasury’s Three Lines of Defence model. We will continue to apply this model, to which we have added a fourth line of defence to demonstrate additional assurance derived over and above via external sources, such as the National Audit Office and international peer review.

We routinely report the outcome of audit and assurance activities to our board and through our Annual Report and Accounts. Those activities are undertaken independently of our operations to ensure they remain objective, to our board, its committees, as well as our CE/CNI and Senior Leadership Team. Those activities include working collaboratively with the Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA).