These web pages have been produced by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales (NRW). These regulators are working together to ensure any new nuclear power stations built in Great Britain meet high standards of safety, security, environmental protection and waste management, through a process called Generic Design Assessment (GDA).
Before a new nuclear power station can be built and operated in Great Britain, in addition to the reactor design going through the GDA process, the proposed operator must obtain permission from regulators and government in the form of:
- Site licence and relevant consent to begin nuclear-related construction from ONR;
- Environmental permits from Environment Agency or NRW; and
- Planning permission from the Planning Inspectorate.
We have designed these pages so they are accessible to anyone with an interest in the GDA process, including the general public and other regulators. They also contain technical information for organisations submitting designs for GDA, which can be found in the assessment of reactors section.

Latest news

Regulators begin BWRX300 reactor assessment - January 2024
The Office for Nuclear Regulation, along with the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales, has started a two-step GDA for GE Hitachi’s BWRX300 reactor. The GDA will look to actively explore opportunities to maximise the value of international regulatory collaboration and identify efficiencies in processes.
In this section
Get involved
You can make a comment about a design via the reactor designer’s website. The reactor designer will respond to the comments and issues raised.